do not try to change a thing coz nothing can be change since everything is part of same drama only thing matter is your role how you play this drama
and this drama is run by three shakti(energy)
(1)maya shakti(energy for every human unconscious journey)
(2)jiva shakti(energy for every living being plant,animals)
(3)jad shakti(energy for non living being,matters)
(4)chaityana shakti(energy for enlighten one or awaken one)
one cannot change a drama,since he/she is him/her self part of it
a person witin his same state with certain thought of change cannot change
coz the rebel he/she adopt to change is nothing but a reaction and the source for his rebel is his/her very existing society.
change is not matter or subtance sitting there which can be alter so easily.change is a process ...way,path of creating and discovering,making mistake and learning,becoming and understanding.......change which is brought upon is not change but that one which happens is a change.
the very first step towards this change is realization that person knows
nothing thus bringing a mind into a movement from illusion to reality, false to truth.but if u try our effort to change ourselves than there is conflict of duality between the one who wants to change and the imiganery one who will be changed.the only way is put our little effort or in krisnamurthi language effortless effort i.e just put our little effort to be silence and rest the soul knows how to heal itself.
but how can a consciousness transcend itself.not by running from the world,society coz since your born means there is a reason for it.One should find this reason and try to live it .(of course one can spent some
time alone in nature).you cannot live something and run away coz leaving
something means in one way being attach with doesn't means one sting
and remain possessive coz we know one day everything will be taken away from us.
At least one most use his/her power of thinking for what he/she is wanting. whatever one think one start to feel,what one feels start to repeat,thus making it's habit pattern,this habit turns into attitude-to
At least one most use his/her power of thinking for what he/she is wanting. whatever one think one start to feel,what one feels start to repeat,thus making it's habit pattern,this habit turns into attitude-to
character and one day start to take a form of action and thus ultimaetly it becomes one's destiny.
so one should remember that what one thinks now will one day become his destiny.And what could be more important than a destiny of death coz we know at least that whatever be death is our destiny/reality.
now let's make death a destiny(i.e lets start to think about it)than first
time we have stared journey with right step i.e we began journey with end in mind,that end is death and that is invitible. lets start to practice something in path of realizing this destiny i.e. from now let's start to
die and the path towards the death is middle path coz all other path is
phenomena of -
which are all two sides of same coin.if you sting to one than you sting to
other.only middle path is the right way.coz one don't sting here we just witness .witnessing is path towards salvation
we know it's our mind that have to follow this middle path and since our mind is so full ofchaos,violence,greed......It should be given pre-hypnotic suggestion/auto-suggestion with strong
determination.this we can take as a vow:-
some important vow are-
(1)i observe refraining from harming living directly or indirectly
(2)i observe refraining from taking any intoxication
(3)i observe refraining from lying
(4)i observe refraining from any sexual misconduct
(5)i observe refraining from taking what does the owner not give.
with this five vow your sila(moral) become stronger and thus opening a way to follow all other sila needed in the way like asthangik arya marga
developed by gautam buddha(8 fold path)-
(1)right view(understanding)
(2)right action(livelihood)
(3)right expression (speech)
(4)righta wareness (mindfulness)
(5)right commitment (effort)
(6)right acceptance
(7)right intention
(8)right meditation
while following sila deep down you have this habit which will show it's power:
all this is of course are needed on the cannot understand unless
all this is of course are needed on the cannot understand unless
one judge,one cannot let go unless one fully cilng to something,one cannot
discriminate unless he/she says "no"
but when depth increase one will know the futility of it and unknowingly
one transcend all these one is person with strong-
at this time new conscious arises which now can realize two types of counsciousness it has used in way-
(1)science counsciousness-
which analyze judge, ask break disintigrate rationalize give logic.......
Which fantasies imagine dreams emotionalize.......
when two counsciousness is fully realized then this 3)spritual
become master of the other two consciousness.
become master of the other two consciousness.
this spritual counsciousness will now dominate other forms of
one's the ego will be used by this counsciousness.
the ego which was master will now will lose it's power, this big fat ego with it's various side like
[1]For wealthy one-
i have
i posses
[2]for karmic one-
i dominate
i did
you cannot
[3]for knowledge addict person-
i know
i am right
you'r wrong
i am justified
you'r not justified
then one will develop a right's also a state of equanimity where
one now don't feel attach to goods nor feel aversion to become just choice less aware. choice less awareness doesn't mean one remain aware without choosing anything.It's a state where very awareness can realize consequences of all action and the choice it have to make with
according to that consequences.understanding this consequences and taking responsibility is dhamma. this is a state of fully surrendered.
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