1 homage to the perfection of wisdom
the lovely,the holy!
Avolakita, the holy lord and bodhisattva,
was moving in the deep course of the wisdom
which has gone beyond.
he looked down from on high,
he behald but five heaps
and he saw that in their own being
they were empty.
here, o sariputra,form is emptiness
and the very emptiness is the form;
emptiness doesn't differ from the form,
form does not differ from emptiness;
whatever is form that is emptiness,
whatever is emptiness,that is form;
the same is true of feelings,
perception,impulses,and consciousness.
here,O sariputra,
all dharma are marked with emptiness;
they are not produced or stopped,
not defiled or immaculate,
not deficient or complete.
therefore,O sariputra,
in emptiness there is no form,
nor feeling,nor perception,
nor impulse,nor consciousness;
no eye,no ear,nose,tounge,body,mind;
no forms,sound,smells,tastes,touchables
or object of mind;
no sight-organ element and so forth,
until we come to: no mind-consciousness element;
there is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance,
and so forth,until we come to:
there is no decay and death.
no extinction of decay and death.
there is no suffering,no origination,
no stopping, no path.
there is no cognition, no attainment
and no non-attainment.
therefore , o sariputra,
it is because of his non-attainments
that a bothisattava,
through having relied on the perfection of the wisdom,
dwells without thought-coverings
he is not been made to trimble,
he has overcome what can upset,
and in the end he attains to nirvana.
all those who appear as buddha
in three period of time
fully awake to the outmost,right
and perfect enlightenment
because they have relied
on the perfection of wisdom
therefore one should know the prajnaparamita
as the great spell,the spell of great knowledge,
the outmost spell,the unequlled speel,
allayer of all suffering,in truth-
for what could go wrong?
by the prajnaparamita
has this spell been delivired.
it run like this:
gone,gone,gone beyond,gone altogether beyond,
O what an awakening,all-hail!
this complete the hear of perfect wisdom.
1)perfection of wisdom- truth
2)bodhisattiva -one who has become a buddha but still holdning himself in the world of time and
space to help others.'essentially buddha',ready to drop and disappear.
3)avalokita -one who look from above,one who stand at he seventh center,sahasrar.
4)five heaps -buddha says-
man consist five element,five SKANDHAS, which are all empty.and because of the
combination of the five,a by product arises called ego,the self "I"
5)here -buddha space,from his vision of the world,from the transcendental standpoint
the space where he exist and the eternity......
6)...nor consciousness- buddha says-
when there is no content,when there is no object,the subject also disappears.
the consciousness which is always of the object is no longer found there.
7) ignorance no
extinction of ignorance- buddha says-
ignorance never been there,it was shadow of knowledge,it was shadow of the
mind addicted to knowledge.
8)non-attainmentness -buddha says-
you cannot attain anything right now at this very moment instantaneously
except have not claimed it,it remains there.....
9)thought-coverings -buddha says-
there are three kind of thought coverings
1.karma averna -incomplete act.each act want to be uncomplete
act cover our being.
2.klesas averna-greed,hate,jealousy....they are all klesas,impurities; they
cover you.
3.ghaya averna -beliefs,opinions,ideologies,knowledge coverings.
10) prajnaparamita - prajnaparamita is a mantra.mantra spell to take away things which are not
e.g-mantra help to drop your ego,ego which is not.simillary misiries,greed...
11)in truth
for what could go wrong?- buddha says
it will show you false as false,what remain is truth.when you know truth
nothing can go wrong.buddha says only better thing in this world that we
can do is to know illussion as illussion and to know truth as truth
i.e to know shar as shar and to know ashar as ashar.
12)gone -gone from matter,gone from body,gone from visible,the tangible
13)gone -gone from life,the so called wheel of life and death
14)gone beyond -gone beyond mind,thought,thinking,self,ego.
15)gone altogether beyond -gone beyond the beyond,the christo-sphere, into the uncreated.
16)all-hail -alleluia! ecstasy that everybody is searching.rightly or wrongly.